Executive Search
Headhunter of
the Year 2019
DELTACON Executive Search is a multi-award winner and in 2019 received the accolade of Best Human Resources Consulting Firm in the category “Executive Search”. In 2018, DELTACON had already won the category “Client Experience” with the award “Headhunter of the Year”.
Quality and fit pay off in the long term…”

Executive Search Experts
The best human resources consultants are rewarded with the “Headhunter of the Year” award and the title of “Best Headhunter” for outstanding achievements. This high-calibre jury was impressed both by the clear focus on clients and candidatesCandidates and by the high onward recommendation rate, the sound methodological expertise and extensive industry knowledge

Executive searches based on experience
With security and industry knowledge
My network extends throughout the entire DACH region. As Managing Director of DELTACON Münster, I am able to offer you a special level of expertise for your executive search. My area of responsibility at DELTACON includes the competence centre of consumer goods in the food industry, trade, drinks industry & food ingredients, health ingredients and food service. In these sectors, I have many years of operational industry expertise as a headhunter and I specialise in optimising your management team and in searching and selecting executives and specialists for the areas of management, sales, marketing, purchasing, finance, human resources and production. Via the DELTACONgroup, I ensure that the right focus is applied across industries. With offices in Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Friedrichshafen, Münster and Nuremberg and independent competence teams, we are experts in finding executives in the sectors of telecommunications, IT, consumer goods, trade, packaging, the food industry, the drinks industry, food service, food ingredients, consumer electronics, furniture, automotive industrial/off highway, electrical industry and automation technology, media, advertising, digital, mobility, eCommerce and professional services

We look after the entire search and selection process from start to finish We take over the entire selection process for our clients as part of our human resources consulting: determining the corporate culture including cultural due diligence, coordination of the job profile, target company list, identification, approaches, multi-stage interviews, psychometric profiling, presentation of the shortlist including qualified evaluations, organisation and support for the interviews and – in coordination with our clients – active support for the decision-making process.
Security through transparency
WHAT is required of candidates for this work?
CAN the candidate fulfil these requirements?
HOW will the candidate carry out the work?
Does the candidate really WANT to do this work?
Are the candidate and the work a good FIT?
HOW do we ensure the perfect FIT between corporate culture and personal value systems of candidates?

Is there anything more motivating than success?”
Executive Profiler and C-Level Headhunter
Recruiting the wrong candidate and narcissists in management roles can ruin your company. As a headhunter, I will help you to recruit the best available executive candidates for a role and thereby also to secure a crucial competitive advantage.
Successful human resources selection at executive level distinguishes mediocre companies from the champions.
The basic prerequisite for success is the right fit for the corporate culture with the right leadership skills.
Only if a candidate is in their absolute element will they take pleasure in their job and therefore be successful in the long term. Only if their personal value system, their basic motivation and their personality profile is a congruent fit for the corporate environment will the candidate be in a position to draw on their operational excellence over the long term and act as a strong role model at the same time. Building on this foundation, the corporate culture can be shaped positively and the management culture can be developed continuously in the interests of the employees.
Tried and tested
Certified and secure

In response to the question
There are two “why” questions that you can ask
me or ask of yourself:
1: Why is my cultural due diligence principle so successful at executive level?
In over 500 top-to-top discussions, I have repeatedly become aware of the discrepancies between the expectations of companies and the motivation of employees and candidates. A crucial factor was the fact that the business partners were operating at different levels of the value system. As a result, a mismatch in expectations was pre-programmed, motivation fell away and finally they parted ways. With my model, I start with the corporate culture, the value systems that the company lives by and the associated leadership culture, connect the entrepreneurial side with the candidate side by evaluating the degree of congruence of the respective value systems, make the motivation of the candidates transparent and match up the candidate’s behavioural characteristics with the requirement profile for the position.
2: Why does a values-oriented corporate culture lead to more sustainable success?
The word value creation is based on the word value. For this reason, I have selected the following values as a foundation for my DAB model: Trust – Responsibility – Respect – Integrity – Sustainability – Courage – Humility.
Only if an executive actually lives by their values can a corporate culture be created that leads to strong motivation and therefore sustainable success through the identification of the employee with the company and the pleasure they take in their area of responsibility. For this reason, ensuring that candidates are a good fit for the corporate culture is a matter of particular importance and is evaluated in detail: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”.

Curriculum Vitae
Partner in the DELTACON Group and Managing Partner of DELTACON Münster GmbH & Co. KG
Before DELTACON Münster was founded, I worked as a consultant, coach and member of the supervisory board for a company in the educational sector
I have more than 20 years of operational management experience in sales and marketing roles in the food & beverage sector
Managing Director Global Sales & Marketing, Vice President Europe Sales & Marketing and Sales Director Europe, including comprehensive human resources responsibility
Diploma in Business Administration with a focus on marketing at the University of Applied Sciences at Kempten and International Marketing at the University of Ulster in Belfast.